6-7.6.2016: e-Health Workshop

Workshop on eHealth and Electronic Personal Health Record (EPHR) European Experiences of Implementations

  • DATE
    June, 6-7th 2016
    Bologna, Italy, University of Bologna
    • new e-health architectures for high-communication European health
    • Usability and critiques on PHR e-services, with particular attention to doctors and the general public
    • the role of actors and the rational use of resources in the implementation of e-Health systems
    • use and sharing of Big Data; guarantees and opportunities of privacy laws
    scientific (actors in the field of projecting e-Health Networks, e-health experts in Universities and Institutions)
    Emilia-Romagna Region, University of Bologna, Euritas, Assinter Italia
    Scientific Committee CUP 2000; University LUISS-CERSI, University of Oslo; in collaboration with University of Bologna – SPISA, Department of IT Science and Engineering, Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences, Department of Sociology.
    European Network of e-Health Infrastructure, Patient Centered e-Care (CUP 2000; Universities from Denmark, Germany, Greece, Italy, Norway, Spain, Sweden, UK; with the possible involvement of public healthcare structures, IT private companies
    • Upload files: eHealth are you ready- Bologna, 6-7 giugno.pdf
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Joern Oldag, DVZ
Joern Oldag is an internal advisor at DVZ and a member of the Joint Advisory Group within Euritas.