15.9.2016: Workshop “Going deep into Horizon 2020”

Last September 15th 2016, Regione Liguria hosted in Genoa the workshop Going deep into Horizon 2020 – Highlights on the biggest EU research and innovation program ever”, organized by Euritas, in collaboration with Assinter Italia and Liguria Digitale.

At the beginning of the event, Edoardo Rixi, Assessor for Economic Development of Liguria Region, and Marco Bucci, CEO of Liguria Digitale, introduced the main objectives of the workshop.

The event was divided in two sessions. During the first session, Daniela Mercurio, from the Italian National Contact Point for ICT at Agency for the Promotion of European Research (APRE), made an overview on Horizon2020 opportunities. Jon Shamah, Chairman of EEMA – The Leading European Think Tank, described the importance of dissemination and communication for a successful EU funded projects. The speech of Manoela Bodiroza and Carl Markus Piswanger, from BRZ – Austrian Federal Computing Center, was relevant for understanding how the interactions within a company are structured for the realization of a EU funded project.
During the second session, some examples of EU funded project experiences were illustrated by different societies (A-SIT, CSI Piemonte, BRZ – Austrian Federal Computing Center, Lombardia Informatica and e-SENS Project). Thanks to these experiences, it was possible to understand the main characteristics that a project should have for being approved.

The event hosted about 65 participants, among representatives from ICT in-house companies, private companies, institutions, universities and associations.

 copyright: https://www.ntnu.edu/documents/616681/1269742507/horizon2020_0.jpg

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Joern Oldag, DVZ
Joern Oldag is an internal advisor at DVZ and a member of the Joint Advisory Group within Euritas.