Update for German National Firearms Register

The German National Firearms Reg­is­ter (NWR), which pro­vides es­sen­tial in­for­ma­tion on ev­ery firearm re­quir­ing a per­mit and in pri­vate pos­ses­sion, is in operation since 2013 by the BVA.

Currently a project started with DVZ involvement to upgrade the NWR to a NWR version 2.  The ob­jec­tive of version 2 is to record the “en­tire life cy­cle of a weapon”, i.e. from man­u­fac­tur­ing/im­port over possible dif­fer­ent own­ers to its de­struc­tion/ex­port. For this pur­pose as a fur­ther stage arms man­u­fac­tur­ers and deal­ers will be in­clud­ed.

DVZ is currently developing a single point of access for automated transmission of manufacturing data with new compounds for managing the whole registration process. Operational responsibility is provided for this component in 2019. Further information are available in German (Link).

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Joern Oldag, DVZ
Joern Oldag is an internal advisor at DVZ and a member of the Joint Advisory Group within Euritas.