Central project management: New department in the HZD

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Current developments show that IT procedures are less and less isolated from each other: IT processes communicate with each other in the same way as institutions or citizens.

This requires a high degree of standardization, both in technology and in the applied methods and processes. In order to make these processes manageable and to remain efficient, central project management and controlling is becoming increasingly important.

The HZD has therefore established the new “Central Project Management” (ZPM) department and is gradually expanding it. The core topics are: central project management controlling, the further development of the project methodology and the management information system (MIS) as well as the reporting in higher-level bodies.

In order to further strengthen the project within the company, HZD has been qualifying selected employees as project management specialist (GPM) since 2015. The participants learned the professional and social methods of project management, gained in-depth understanding and knowledge and concluded their qualification with two external auditors of the company with a three-part examination for the level D certification.

Among other project management certifications the HZD now have over 22 trained project management specialists according to GPM. Because of the growth and increase of tasks within HZD, this qualification measure will be extended to additional employees.

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Joern Oldag, DVZ
Joern Oldag is an internal advisor at DVZ and a member of the Joint Advisory Group within Euritas.