Euritas EU Digital Summit Preview

Making the Digital Agenda Work – the Journey from Policy to Reality

Euritas, the European Association of public ICT service providers, will be hosting a conference on European regulations regarding eGovernment on November 28th, 2018 in Brussels. The conference will highlight the challenges between policy making and technical implementation and will provide a platform to discuss how to bridge the gap. Stakeholders of the public sector on European, national and regional level are invited to participate.

The European Council, Commission and Parliament have recently launched several regulations to be implemented. These regulations are General Data Protection (GDPR), electronic IDentification, Authentication and trust Services (eIDAS) and the upcoming Single Digital Gateway (SDG). All member states are required to meet the demands of these regulations.

During several panels, representatives of the European Commission, CIOs from national entities and experts from public ICT service providers will provide insights on the implementation status of these regulations and the challenges and lessons learned. They will for example discuss how to provide cloud services in accordance with the GDPR-requirements, the specific national approaches and status of implementing the eIDAS-regulation and the options of creating a user-centric approach for the Single Digital Gateway.

The agenda can be found here.

The summit is an invitation-only event. If you belong to the stakeholders group you can request your interest to Mrs. Zehra Kilic-Türkan (

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Joern Oldag, DVZ
Joern Oldag is an internal advisor at DVZ and a member of the Joint Advisory Group within Euritas.