„Fit for Future“ teacher-support-app wins Socal Hackathon Vienna

From February 28 to March 2, 2019, EYA was in Vienna with a another SHack (Social Hackathon), kindly hosted by The Austrian Federal Computing Centre (BRZ).

50 young coders, designers and social innovators travelled from ten European countries to attend the Social Hackathon at Austria’s Federal Computing Centre. Within two days, new applications with social impact were created.

The “SHack – Social Hackathon” is a newly created format combining the popular coding marathons with a positive social purpose. The participants – women equalling the number of men – arrived from the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Germany, Austria and Macedonia to use synergies in mixed teams of programmers, product designers and business students. The project “Fit for Future” – an online training platform for teachers, created by Austrian, German and Hungarian participants, was chosen as the winner!

Winners may join an international program

Fit for Future is a web application that supports teachers to foster 21st century skills development of their students”, Tobias Feitkenhauer , member of the winning team and systemic coach by profession, explains the application, ” Our solution provides teachers with rituals, methods and assignments they can easily implement in their lessons to grow competencies such as “ Collaboration” or “ Leadership & Responsibility” of their students. All methods are scientifically proven and are designed to increase the effectiveness of the teaching.”

One of the benefits winning SHack Vienna is being supported by the international EYA community. Tobias and his colleagues are invited to attend a training course on Social Impact Measurement in Tunisia as well as pitch in front of the AWS First Jury to win a 20,000 Euro seed-funding. The team aims to develop the app to a marketable product.

Expertise and support

To achieve the best results, the young changemakers were supported by twenty international coaches with various fields of expertise. “The BRZ is leading the Austrian market when it comes to e-government-technologies. As such, we look to support young IT-talents and therefore enjoy hosting the SHack”, comments Gernot Silvestri, Division Director for Individual Applications with the BRZ, “With our quite recently established “Innovation Factory” we offer a secure sandbox-environment, in which innovative new ideas can be tested under simulated real-life-conditions and start-ups can bring added value to the public sector. Results of those simulations are then published on the virtual community kettenbruck.at, showing municipal topics in which digital progress is already applicable today.”

About SHack Vienna #code4impact

SHack Vienna – the Social Hackathon was organized by the European Youth Award (EYA), the second edition of the event format will take place in June at the “European Youth Capital 2019” Novi Sad, Serbia. EYA is a Europe-wide competition for young people, social entrepreneurs and start-up founders who create digital projects with value for the society.

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Zehra Kilic-Tuerkan, BRZ (Austria)