Saša Bilić from APIS IT (Croatia) elected as the new president of EURITAS

Saša Bilić, CEO of Croatian APIS IT, was elected as the new president of EURITAS. In the elections held on Friday, September 15 in Brussels, Bilić received the trust of all members of the organization, with Roland Ledinger from the Austrian Bundesrechenzentrum, Soren Vulff from the Danish Statens IT and Pier Paolo Greco from Italian Assinter appointed as vice presidents.
Thanking his colleagues for the confidence they placed in him, Bilić announced that the priority of the new leadership’s two-year term will be further strengthening the organization and its positioning as a key platform for cooperation and dialogue on all topics in the field of digitalization of public administration in Europe.
Key challenges ahead
“Strengthening digital sovereignty of Europe’s public administration remains the cornerstone of our organization and prism through which we, both as an organization and individual members, view all challenges of digital transformation”, said Bilić. Among the key challenges laying ahead he sees ensuring long-term sustainability of digitalization, advanced data management technologies and ethical and responsible application of AI in public sector.
Saša Bilić has been at the head of APIS IT since 2017. Before being appointed as the EURITAS president he served two terms as the vice president of the organization.
About Euritas
EURITAS is the European Association of Public IT Service Providers. The Vienna-based organization currently comprises 13 member organizations from ten European countries. Combined, they employ more than 27.000 IT specialists and provide digital public services for more than 115 million European citizens.
EURITAS aims to promote the exchange of knowledge and cooperation between the member companies. Furthermore, EURITAS also makes its knowledge available to European institutions and advises decision-makers on cross-border cooperation opportunities in the field of IT.