Innovation Lab - Smart Territory

Assinter Academy in Bolonia for the Innovation Lab “SMART TERRITORY: toward a Centre of Excellence, eData, Big Data & Analytics”, october 3 2019

Which is the future of Big Data and eData in cities and Smart Territories? Which are the best method to develop innovative services in the territories for the citizen through the involvement of enterprises and PAs that would play a role of Data-Driven?

Which is the future of Big Data and eData in cities and Smart Territories? Which are the best method to develop innovative services in the territories for the citizen? On the basis on these questions, Assinter with the scientific support of Politecnico di Milano and SDA Bocconi organized the Innovation Lab “Smart Territory: toward a Centre of Excellence, eData, Big Data & Analytics”. The aim is to discuss with the stakeholders from different territories on the development of Smart Territories.

The event will be dedicated to the in-depth study of the topic Smart Territories starting from the eHealth point of view. Then, there will be the session of dialogue and discussion with the Universities. In detail, the activities of Assinter Group of work eData, Big Data & Analytics on the network vision of Smart Territories will be reported with SDA Bocconi. The Assinter use case on eHealth and chronic disease will be presented with Politecnico di Milano. At last, the impact of the issue on privacy and citizen will be discussed with Università di Bologna.

The last session will be dedicated to a pannel discussion with the representants of the ICT Public Companies of the Network, outlining the Centre of Excellence eData, Big Data & Analytics.

The event (under invite) will be in Bolonia hosted by Società Medica Chirurgica, Palazzo dell’Archiginnasio.
