
Office of the Government Chief Information Officer

Office of the Government Chief Information Officer

The Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) is a division of DPENDR that acts as the strategic advisor...

ITZBund (Germany)

ITZBund (Germany)

ITZBund The ITZBund is the central German IT service provider of the Federal Government’s administration. Its portfolio includes planning, developing...

Information Services (Bulgaria)

Information Services (Bulgaria)

Information Services Information Services is the National System Integrator of the Republic of Bulgaria and trusted partner of the state...

MITA (Malta)

MITA (Malta)

MITA The Malta Information Technology Agency (MITA) is the public entity vested with the responsibility to provide ICT infrastructure, systems...

Valtori (Finland)

Valtori (Finland)

Valtori Valtori provides sector-independent ICT services for the central government of Finland as well as information and data communications technology...

VITAKO (Germany)

VITAKO (Germany)

Vitako (Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der kommunalen IT-Dienstleister e.V.) Vitako is a working group of more than 50 IT service providers to local...

APIS IT (Croatia)

APIS IT (Croatia)

APIS IT For over 50 years APIS IT LLC provides strategic, professional and implementation services to the public and government...

Assinter (Italy)

Assinter (Italy)

ASSINTER ITALIA (Assinter) Born in 2008, ASSINTER ITALIA is a Nonprofit Association that brings together all the Italian ICT Regional companies...

BRZ (Austria)

BRZ (Austria)

Federal Computing Centre of Austria – Bundesrechenzentrum (BRZ) The Austrian Federal Computing Centre (short: BRZ as abbreviated from the German...

BIT (Suisse)

BIT (Suisse)

Bundesamt für Informatik und Telekommunikation (BIT) The Federal Office of Information Technology, Systems and Telecommunication (FOITT) is a major internal ICT...

Dataport (Germany)

Dataport (Germany)

Dataport Dataport is the IT service provider for public administrations in Germany. As a partner in all digitization projects, the...

DVZ M-V GmbH (Germany)

DVZ M-V GmbH (Germany)

DVZ Datenverarbeitungszentrum Mecklenburg-Vorpommern GmbH (DVZ M-V GmbH) DVZ is the ICT full service provider of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern’s state administration. Core competencies...

Statens It (Denmark)

Statens It (Denmark)

Statens IT The Agency of Governmental IT services (Statens It) operate and develop services to the government sector and some...