
This website is provided by Euritas – the European Association of Public IT Service Providers. Euritas comprises actually members from Austria, Denmark, the Netherlands, Italy, Switzerland, Croatia, Finland and Germany.

EURITAS – European Association of Public IT Service Providers
c/o Höhne, In der Maur & Partner Rechtsanwälte GmbH & Co KG
Mariahilfer Straße 20, A-1070 Wien
Local Court Vienna, Austrian Central Register of Associations, Number: 752451550

Purpose of the association:

The Association sees itself as voice and network of public ICT service providers in Europe, seeking to combine the know-how and expertise of ist members in the field of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) and of public administration, in order to provide constant improving ICT services for public administration, organisations and citizens in Europe. The Association wants to be the first point of reference in questions of ICT in the field of public Administration, especially in trans-European questions.

For any further questions please contact the Euritas head office:

Responsibility for Content

Sasa Bilic, President of Euritas

Pier Paolo Greco, Vice President

Roland Ledinger, Vice President

Peder Wiese, Vice President

Website Operator

DVZ Mecklenburg-Vorpommern GmbH

Lübecker Str. 283

D-19059 Schwerin, Germany

Copyright and Legal Statement

Unless stated otherwise, this website and its content are the copyright of Euritas. Any redistribution or reproduction of part or all of the contents in any form is prohibited, save the following:

  • it may be printed or downloaded to a local hard disk for information purposes within an organisation and for non-commercial use only and for purposes of participating in Euritas;
  • content may be copied to individual third parties for information purposes only, and within an organisation and for non-commercial use, however only if the website as the source of the material is duly acknowledged.

This website may not, except with the express written permission of Euritas, be distributed or be commercially exploited. Nor may it be transmitted or stored on any other website or other form of electronic retrieval system.

The information made available by Euritas over the World Wide Web does not form part of any contract. Changing circumstances may cause Euritas to have to change its provisions at any time.

In no event, regardless of whether consent has been provided for redistribution or reproduction purposes as stated above, shall Euritas assume any responsibility to any third party about any content or information contained in this website. Liability claims regarding material and/or any other types of damage directly or indirectly caused by the use of any content or information provided in this website, including any kind of information which may be incomplete or incorrect, will be rejected, insofar as Euritas did not wilfully or negligently provide any content or information that may be found to be incomplete or incorrect, and that may cause such damage. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information presented, Euritas cannot accept responsibility for errors. Euritas reserves the right to change, extend or delete part or all of the contents of this website from time to time.

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As with most other web servers, whenever you access the web pages of this website, certain information you provide will automatically be recorded by Euritas. This will include your IP address, browser type, and information relating to the page you last visited. This information is processed to estimate the usage of the server in terms of different categories of users, and in the event of a breach of security, it may be used to aid detection.

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vi) Changes to this privacy statement
This privacy statement and the ways in which your data may be processed can be changed from time to time. Notices made of any changes will only be borne via this web page.