

Euritas is an open network to all European ICT service providers owned by the public administration. Since 2015 the legal entity of Euritas is an association by austrian law.

The internal structure of Euritas is mainly managed by

  • the General Committee (GC) represented by the managing directors of the members
  • the Management Board (MB),  represented by
    • President                 Mr. Sasa Bilic , APIS IT (Croatia)
    • Vice President        Mr. Pier Paolo Greco, Assinter (Italy)
    • Vice President        Mr. Roland Ledinger, The Austrian Federal Computing Center (Austria)
    • Vice President        Mr. Peder Wiese, Statens It (Denmark)
  • the Joint Advisory Group (JAG), represented by consultants and coordinaters of the members
  • the Head Office, established as single point of contact for Euritas activities and interested parties

Euritas Statutes can be found here: Euritas Statutes of the Association 2022

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